Extract Unlimited Leads From Google Map

Google Map
data Extractor

It gathers details such as business names, addresses, contact information, and reviews, streamlining data collection for marketing, analysis, or research purposes.

What Information Can Be Extracted Through Our Google Map Extractor?


The name of the location on Google Maps, typically the standardized business name.


The phone number of the location in its regional format.

Social Media Profiles

The URLs of social media profiles discovered on the web (such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Yelp, Twitter, etc.).

Full Address

The readable physical address of the location.


The official website for the location, such as a business' main page.


The email collected from the web.

Many More Data >> Plus code, Business Categories, Review Count, Reviews, Photos, Google Maps URL, Latitude & Longitude, Opening hours

Download Sample Exported File

(Keyword – Pharmacy stores in Mumbai)

Extract Leads - Google Map Data Extractor


Our Google Map Extractor offers affordable pricing plans tailored to fit various needs and budgets. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, our plans provide great value with comprehensive data extraction features. Enjoy unlimited scrapes, detailed information retrieval, and regular updates without breaking the bank. Invest in our cost-effective solutions to streamline your data collection process and enhance your marketing and research efforts.

0 $ Free Trial
  • Extract up to 50 data entries
  • Business names, addresses, contact details, websites, and customer reviews
  • Basic customer support
  • You can't export data in free trial
  • Regular Updates
Most Popular
7 $ $84 Yearly Plan
  • Unlimited data extraction
  • Business names, addresses, contact details, websites, and customer reviews, photos etc.
  • Priority customer support
  • Export data in CSV and Excel formats
  • Regular Updates
  • Save $59.88 annually compared to the Monthly Plan
$ Monthly Plan
  • Unlimited data extraction
  • Business names, addresses, contact details, websites, and customer reviews, photos etc.
  • Priority customer support
  • Regular Updates

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ask us anything

The Google Map Extractor or GM Scraper, is a Chrome extension designed to scrape and extract valuable information from Google Maps, including business names, addresses, contact details, websites, and customer reviews, etc.

To install the extension, download extension from gmscraper.com website,  and add extension to “Chrome Extension” and follow prompts.

Visit “How to install Chrome Extension” Step-by-step guide

Yes, the extension is user-friendly. Simply navigate to Google Maps, perform your search, and use the extractor to collect data with a few clicks.

Visit “How to use GM Scraper

You can extract business names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, websites, and customer reviews, photos, etc.

Download extracted Data sample file – Download Now

There is no limitation in paid plans. In free trial plan, you can extract only 50 records.

Our Google Map Data Scraper extension is designed with security in mind. We do not store your extracted data on our servers, and all data is saved directly to your local device.

Yes, we provide dedicated customer support to help you with any issues or questions you may have about using the extension.

The extension includes features like batch processing, data export in various formats (CSV, Excel), and regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Google Maps.

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